Lancer Group’s STI7504 Silicone Transparent Mixing Base is a general-purpose silicone rubber base that when mixed with Evolution Pigment Concentrates produces Pantone, STI7500 standard colours, Pantone colours, or custom colours. Inks produced with this base will exhibit high-stretch characteristics and resist cracking on 100% polyester performance wear fabrics. Even though ink colours mixed with this base will have some opacity and bleed-resistance, for dark colours, sub-dye polyester and other fabrics known for dye migration, it may be necessary to either back the colours with STI7581 White, STI7911 Defender Black Dye Blocker or both. Multiple coatings of direct emulsion, capillary films to produce thicker stencils, or a print/flash/print technique during printing may be necessary to achieve desired effect. Note: This ink must be catalyzed prior to printing.
Ideal Fabric— 100% Polyester Performance wear fabrics.
Mesh–83-125/inch (32T-48Tcm) High Density Inks – 83-125/inch (43T-48Tcm)
Squegee–70 durometer or 70/90/70 Triple Durometer.
Stencil–Any PVC-free or phthalate-free emulsion compatible with plastisol inks.
Curing–250-290F (125-147C) for 1.5 to 2 minutes.
Additives–Viscosity Reducer 3-4% by weight maximum
Storage–30C/84F in tightly closed containers
Cleaning–Enviro Series TR Blend or Mineral Spirits
Catalyst Mixing
STI7160 and STI7161:2-3% by weight mixed into STI7581 White and RFU colours. 3½-5% by weight mixed into STI7711 Defender Black, STI7838, STI7700, STI7702 STI7835 or any highdensity colour.
CAUTION: Amounts less than the minimum amounts will result in a finished ink that may not cure properly. The amounts of catalyst mixed into the inks should be carefully weighed using a digital gram scale. STI7160 is a liquid that must be shaken vigorously before adding. It is recommended that only the amount of ink that can be printed in a four to six-hour period be mixed at any one time. Higher amounts of catalyst will diminish the pot life of ink faster.
Always test finished prints for curing, adhesion, opacity, bleed-resistance and desired look prior to beginning full production runs. Lancer Group International cannot guarantee the results or back claims that this ink will test PVC-free or phthalate-free if any additive other than an additive manufactured by Lancer Group International is used to modify this ink. Test results by a third-party laboratory verifying all components used to produce this ink are PVC-free, phthalate-free and lead-free are available upon request.