Lancer Group International is proud to announce an addition to their cutting-edge Evolution STI Silicone heat transfer system. Printers can now easily create soft hand, light weigh and flexible High Density heat transfers with STI 7935 series in conjunction with a thick stencil and PET film.

Silicone High Density Heat Transfers – Step-by-Step

1. Setup a 110-160 (44T-63T) mesh screen with 200-300 micron stencil onto a printing press. Load the screen with catalized STI 7935 Silicone High Density Ink

2. Ensure that the printing press is outfitted with a vacuum pallet.

3. Set PET Film onto the vacuum pallet and engage. (Ensure that the PET film is compatible with silicone inks).

4. Screen print the catalized STI 7935 Silicone HD Transfer ink onto the PET film.

5. Run the printed sheet through a conveyor dryer to gel the ink.

6. Load PET film back onto the vacuum pallet and print a second layer of catalized STI 7935 Silicone HD Transfer ink.

7. Run the printed sheet through a conveyor dryer again, to get the ink. Repeat this process until desired imprint thickness is reached.

8. Load PET film back onto the vacuum pallet.

9. Load screen with catalized STI 7941 Silicone Transfer – Stretch Underbase and Screen print ontop of previous layer.

10. Run the printed sheet through a conveyor dryer again to gel the ink.

11. Load the PET film back onto the vacuum pallet.

12. Print second layer of catalized STI 7941 Silicone Transfer – Stretch Underbase.

13. Apply T-1 hot melt powder to the final layer of wet ink.

14. Run through a conveyor dryer for final cure/gel.

15. Set the transfer onto a heat press. The non-printed side should be against the pallet with the printed side facing up.

16. Lay garment on top of the transfer.

17. Engage heat press at 400°F (250°C) with low pressure for 30-35 seconds.

18. Allow transfer to cool completely, and then peel the PET film away.