A special hot peel transfer that can produce amazing full color and puff transfer effects. Every single four color process/puff Transfer has a very soft hand feel and is extremely opaque. These full color puff transfers resemble a soft screen print when heat transferred.

Four Color Process/Puff Transfers:

1. Screen print 905 Clear Base onto Soft Trans Paper. Gel the print as per instructions.

2. Print 600SS colors. Gel the print between each color.

3. Print 878SS Puff Base onto transfer paper in the areas where you require a puff or textured finish.

4. Transfer the print at 375°F – 400°F (191°C – 204°C) for 3-7 seconds. Peel the transfer hot.

Note: If the plastisol puff ink is not puffing high enough, experiment using shorter transfer times and print a heavier deposit of 878SS base onto the transfer paper.

Producing transfers on to dark fabrics has always been a challenge for most printers. Excalibur 950/960 Inks will make those problems seem like a distant memory. Every transfer has a very soft hand and excellent opacity.

High Opacity Transfers on Dark Fabrics:

1. Print 905 Clear Base on to Soft Trans Paper. Gel as per instructions or use a coated transfer paper such as Ultra Strip 3000, Trans All or Tullis Russel.

2. Print 950/960 Series High Opacity colors over 905 Clear base and gel as per instructions.

3. If puff is required, overprint areas with 878SS Base. If puff is not overprinting areas, the best choice would be 878SS White/878SS Cream.

4. Transfer the print at 375°F – 400°F (191°C – 204°C) for 6 – 8 seconds. Peel the transfer hot.

Note: If the plastisol puff ink is not puffing high enough, experiment using shorter transfer times and print a heavier deposit of 878SS base onto the transfer paper.